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Welcome to ConnectNT!
ConnectNT is a Christian charity established in 2021 to provide for both the spiritual and other needs of the people of Darwin and the wider Northern Territory.
About Us
Our tagline ‘Connecting with the love of Jesus’ captures what we are all about. Jesus provided us with an amazing example of generous service of people from all different backgrounds. He showed unconditional love to all, to the point of his death and beyond. We want to model that love in all that we do in Darwin. We also believe spirituality is an important part of life. We want to, where appropriate, provide a space to talk about and engage with the Christian view on faith and spirituality.
Meet Ben
Ben is our pioneer worker up in the Northern Territory.
Eternity News interviewed Ben on his long and winding road to become a roving evangelist. To find out more about Bens story use the link below to go to the Eternity News website.
“I want to be loving people and sharing Jesus, the real Jesus in word and deed with people outside.”
Join our Prayer Newsletter
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 – NASB
Donate Now
Thank you for considering partnering with us financially
Where is the money going?
We are continuing to raise funds for the work we do with ConnectNT. Most of the funds employ our two staff workers, Ben and Danika, who are currently each employed by us 3 days / week. We also have various costs associated with running a ministry. Our administration costs are low (but there); we estimate that currently 96% of your donation will go directly to support local ministry. If you have any questions about where the money is going, please send Ben a message – he would love to chat with you about it further and can be contacted at ben@connectnt.org.au
Contact Us
(08) 7918 9360